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AMU Sede Central
Santa Ana, CA.USES
In the Central Division offers only the Bachelor of Ministerial Arts 
Bachelor of Ministerial Arts




The Bachelor of Ministerial Arts is a program designed to train the people of God in the scriptural handling of their faith, in the placement of the gospel in a multicultural society and in the fulfillment of being light and salt of the earth, and spiritual and moral leaven. Although it appeals to intellectual and academic reflection, it is mainly aimed at offering a systematization of practical disciplines that, both professional and non-professional, allow them to efficiently develop a relevant ministry. 

Curricular Program

It consists of 184 units distributed as follows:

General Education (60 units)


(A110) Mass media (5)

(CS201) Introduction to Psychology (5)

(CS220) Introduction to Sociology (5)

(CN310) Introduction to Natural Sciences (5)

(CS270) Hispanic History and Culture (5) or CS375

(H140) Introduction to philosophy (5)

(A310) Music and art in evangelization (5)

(CS375) United States History (5) or CS270

(CN301) Biblical geography (5)

(CS350) Applied Counseling (5)

(E241) Ethics (5) *

(H431) Life Project (5)

(CS430) Introduction to Family Systems (5)

Primary Specialty: Evangelization (56 units)


(B101) Introduction to the Old Testament I (4) *

(B103) Introduction to the Old Testament II (4) *

(B102) The Pentateuch (4)

(B127) Acts of the Apostles (4)

(B221) Romans (4) *

(B321) Hebrews (4)

(T131) Theology of Evangelization (4)

(M101) The person whom God uses (4) *

(M120) Evangelization strategies (4)

(CS210) Family Health (4)

(T231) Systematic Theology I (4) *

(T232) Systematic Theology II (4) *

(M210) Biblical hermeneutics (4) *

(M220) Preaching (4) *

Secondary Specialty : Pastoral Studies (56 units)


(CS480) History of Christianity I (4) *

(CS481) History of Christianity II (4) *

(M320) Culture and evangelization (4)

(T420) The church: its nature and mission (4) *

(M350) Pastoral Ministry (4)

(M130) Spirit Formation (4)

(B310) The Major Prophets I (4)

(H470) Considering Controversial Topics (4)

(M332) Contemporary sociological movements (4)

(M450) Emerging Evangelists (4)

(M172) Evangelization and discipleship of children (4)

(M360) Women and the Ministry (4)

(M370) Christian Discipleship (4)

(M460) The Ministry of Transformation (4)

Electives (12 units)


(M331) Transformative Leadership (4)

(M170) The transforming prayer (4)

(T260) Theology of Worship (3)

(H301) Greek (4)

(S320) The Ministry of Chaplaincy (4)

(CS212) Inner Health (4)

(T203) Person and work of the Holy Spirit (4)

(H340) Christian Education (4)

(B412) The canon and biblical manuscripts (4)

(CS140) Introduction to Missiology (4)

(CS482) The Reformation (4)

(M372) Today's childhood: tomorrow's church (4)

(B312) The Major Prophets II (4)

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